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44 aama certified products directory › pages › archived-certified-productsFGIA - Archived Certified Products Directory This directory contains an archived listing of products that are no longer a part of the AAMA program, for any of several possible reasons. Once you identify the Manufacturer’s Code go to the archived certified product directory and enter it in the search box. › pages › igmac-certification-programFGIA - IGMAC Certification Program for the CGSB 12.8 Standard AAMA and IGMA, two industry leaders, have unified to form an exponentially stronger alliance. Designed to help our members excel in a dynamic and fast-moving future, the Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance, or FGIA, is focused on building better industry synergies from glass to framing.

Certified Products Directory Product Type. Find ratings for a single type of product. Applied Film. Find ratings for film-attachment products. CPD Number. Find a product by CPD Number. Label Verification. Verify the ratings of an NFRC-certified product. Learn more about Windows and NFRC.

Aama certified products directory

Aama certified products directory

PDF AAMA - Florida Building The product information below will be added to the next update of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATIONS RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 R-PG45-2438x1219 (96x48)-HS AAMA 506-06 COMPANY AND CODE Missile Level: C Rating: +45/-45, 96x48 Wind Zone: 2 FGIA - Certified Product Directory Specifications Find by CPD Number CPD Number View Details OR Search by Manufacturer Code The manufacturer's code appears on every FGIA Certification label. If you know that code, please start typing the code and select it from the resulting drop-down menu to obtain the name and contact information for that manufacturer. Manufacturer Code › pages › DLP_SearchIntertek Directory of Building Products - Listed Products ... Search and view information on the Directory of Building Products, including Product Listings, Code Compliance Research Reports (CCRRs), Certificates of Compliance (COCs), Quality Assurance, and Industry Programs.

Aama certified products directory. PDF American Architectural Manu This is the Certified Products Directory search dialog box. You can fill in as much information as you know and then click on 'submit'... 5. If you have a label, and know the manufacturer code, but not the name of the manufacturer, you can click on the 'Manufacturer Code:' box, and scroll down to find the code that matches the code on your label. EOF FGIA - Certified Products Directory The AAMA Certified Products Directory (CPD) search lists products that have been authorized by AAMA for certification by the manufacturer. Products must bear the AAMA Certification Label to be certified in this program. PDF The AAMA Authorized Label - Brennan 2 AAMA CERTIFIED PRODUCTS DIRECTORY The AAMA Authorized Label Our symbol of certification, your sign of performance. When windows and glass doors carry these labels, it's a sign that they have met all the requirements of AAMA's Certification Program.

Certified Products Directory for a single type of product. If you know the Window Manufacturer you are. looking for, please use this option. Note: You will only be able to search one. Manufacturer at a time. Aama Cpd 1 : 2004 Certified Products Directory Buy AAMA CPD 1 : 2004 CERTIFIED PRODUCTS DIRECTORY from SAI Global. Buy AAMA CPD 1 : 2004 CERTIFIED PRODUCTS DIRECTORY from SAI Global. Skip to content - Show main menu navigation below - Close main menu navigation below. Infostore. Find Standards. Advanced Search; Standards Categories - ICS Codes; - Metal Panels, Building Envelopes & Exterior ... Versawall Series The latest enhancement to CENTRIA’s commercial & industrial insulated metal panels, Versawall V, V+ and H+, deliver the industry’s best combination of aesthetics, performance, sustainability and value. American Architectural Manufacturers Association - FGIA Online American Architectural Manufacturers Association. Or, search by manufacturer name, code or city using the keyword search. Keyword:

Certified Product Directory | National Fenestration Rating Council Simply filter by the product type and features you're interested in, and the NFRC Certified Product Directory provides a list of NFRC-certified products that match your criteria so you know which products to look for when you go to buy. Search Directory Already a participant in the Certified Product Directory? Login Commercial Ratings › professional › toolsVELUX Skylight Testing Data | Technical Information Most VELUX products are listed in the NFRC Certified Products Directory, and carry appropriate labels in accordance with NFRC’s certification program. NFRC ID: VEL-N-xxx Most variants have achieved WDMA Hallmark certification under No. 426-H, and/or recognition under Uniform-ES report #ER 0199 (IAPM0-ES). PDF AAMA Certified Vinyl Window Manufacturers - This list is based on companies listed on A AMA's Certified Products Directory as of March 12, 2020. 1. AMSCO WINDOWS 2. ANLIN INDUSTRIES 3. ASSOCIATED MATERIALS, INC. 4. AVANTI INDUSTRIES, LLC 5. BMC 6. BUILDERS FIRSTSOURCE SOUTH TEXAS, L.P. 7. BURRIS WINDOWS 8. CASCADE WINDOWS 9. CHAMPION WINDOW MANUFACTURING LLC 10. CROFT, LLC 11. Certified Products Directory - National Fenestration Rating Council FAQ about Certification and Commercial/Site Built Programs. Helpful Links for Consumers and Technical Organizations. The NFRC Directory search offers two options for retrieving rating data: Select the type of product for which you wish to search. Select the method you wish to use for searching.

PDF AAMA CERTIFICATION PROGRAM - Florida Building The product information below will be added to the next update of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATIONS RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-11 R-PG50*-2870x1600 (113x63)-HS AAMA 506-06 COMPANY AND CODE Missile Level: D Rating: +50/-50, 113x63 Wind Zone: 4

Jul 08, 2022 · AAMA and IGMA, two industry leaders, have unified to form an exponentially stronger alliance. Designed to help our members excel in a dynamic and fast-moving future, the Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance, or FGIA, is focused on building better industry synergies from glass to framing.

› specs › cad-pdf-drawings-testing-bimMetal Roofing Specifications - CAD / PDF Drawings / Testing / BIM PAC LEED Certified Building Points. PAC Recycle Statement. ... Flush 12 x 24 GA ASTM E 283 & 331 and AAMA 501.1 Air & Water. ... PAC-150 UL Fire Directory. ICC.

AAMA Official Site - American Association of Medical Assistants The Certifying Board of the AAMA is now offering digital badging to CMAs (AAMA)! This cutting-edge technology allows CMAs (AAMA) to securely—and quickly—share their credential across the web, on resumes, in email signatures, and via social media outlets to celebrate and validate their achievements. See the Digital Badges webpage for more ... › pages › DLP_SearchIntertek Directory of Building Products - Listed Products ... Search and view information on the Directory of Building Products, including Product Listings, Code Compliance Research Reports (CCRRs), Certificates of Compliance (COCs), Quality Assurance, and Industry Programs.

FGIA - Certified Product Directory Specifications Find by CPD Number CPD Number View Details OR Search by Manufacturer Code The manufacturer's code appears on every FGIA Certification label. If you know that code, please start typing the code and select it from the resulting drop-down menu to obtain the name and contact information for that manufacturer. Manufacturer Code

PDF AAMA - Florida Building The product information below will be added to the next update of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATIONS RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 R-PG45-2438x1219 (96x48)-HS AAMA 506-06 COMPANY AND CODE Missile Level: C Rating: +45/-45, 96x48 Wind Zone: 2

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