39 butyrac 200 label
PDF Getting The Most Out Of Butyrac 200 (2,4-DB Amine) And Buctril ... The label on Buctril indicates that it should be applied when the alfalfa has a minimum of four trifoliate leaves. I have applied Buctril on alfalfa having 1 to 2 trifoliate leaves and the ... Butyrac 200 plus an adjuvant and Buctril are effective herbicides for the selective control of broadleaved weeds. Alfalfa growers can obtain the most ... 2,4-DB DMA 200 Herbicide - Where to buy 2,4-DB DMA 200 Generic Butyrac ... Label/SDS Reviews (5) 2,4-DB DMA 200 Generic Butyrac 200 Herbicide - Gallon is for the control of many problematic Broadleaf weeds, both pre-emergence and post-emergence in Alfalfa, Peanut and Soybeans. Excellent activity on key broadleaf species Provides unique mode of action for labeled crops Tank mixes well with many other products
› poast-herbicide-22.5 Gallons [7969-58] - $327.95 - Keystone Pest Solutions We do NOT recommending tank mixing Butyrac 200 with this product. Significant crop damage could occur! Rainfast Period: Poast is rainfast 1 hour after application. Poast Herbicide is a selective, broad spectrum, post-emergence herbicide for control of annual and perennial grass weeds. Poast does not control sedges or broadleaf weeds.

Butyrac 200 label
extension.psu.edu › introduction-to-weeds-andIntroduction to Weeds and Herbicides - Penn State Extension Apr 02, 2007 · The label contains the signal words "Danger/Poison" and has a skull and crossbones. metham (Vapam) sodium arsenite a,b; moderately Toxic Herbicides (LD 50 = 50 to 500 mg/kg) The probable lethal dose of a moderately toxic herbicide for a 150-pound person is 1 teaspoon to 1 ounce. The signal word on the label reads "Warning." bromoxynil (Buctril ... 2, 4-D B 200 Butyrac 2.5 gal - Agcare Products Read and follow label directions. Butyrac kills broadleaf weeds in peanuts, soybeans and alfalfa without killing those crops or grass. Read and follow label directions. ... 4-D B 200 Butyrac 2.5 gal. All. Regular price Sold out Sale price $64.00 Sale. Shipping calculated at checkout. Sold out ... 101058 Butyrac 200 (1g) BL - Washington State University Pilots must wear the PPE required on this labeling for applicators. USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Users should: 1. Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. 2. Remove clothing/PPE immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing. 3.
Butyrac 200 label. PDF 54209 Butyrac 175 specimen - Agrian BUTYRAC ® 175 Broadleaf Herbicide ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treat-ment. You may also contact 1-800-424-9300 for emergency medical treatment information. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. PDF Material Safety Data Sheet PRODUCT NAME : BUTYRAC 200 CHEMICAL NAME : Dimethylamine Salt of 4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)butyric acid CHEMICAL FAMILY : Phenoxy herbicide PRODUCT CODE : EPA Reg. No. 42750-38 ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. 2 SECTION 5 - FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Butyrac® 200 - Reichman Sales & Service Reichman Sales & Service PO Box 698 - Toluca, IL 61369 Phone: 815-452-2665 Fax: 815-452-2837 PDF BUTYRAC - Keystone Pest Solutions Pilots must wear the PPE required on this labeling for applicators. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS This chemical is toxic to fish. Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters or rinsate.
Butyrac 200 Broadleaf Herbicide, Albaugh | Forestry Distributing North ... Label & SDS Butyrac 200 Broadleaf Herbicide controls broadleaf weeds in Soybeans, Peanuts, Seedling and Established Alfalfa, and Seedling Birdsfoot Trefoil, Seedling Alsike Clover, Seedling Ladino Clover, Seedling Red Clover and CRP areas. Product variants Butyrac 200 Broadleaf Herbicide, 2.5 Gal. agphd.com › resources › herbicide-storagePesticide Storage, Application and Rainfast Times - Ag PhD Please check the label for the current and most correct information about each product. ... 200 TO 400: N/A: ABBA ULTRA: 5481-621: N/A: 10: ... BUTYRAC 200: 42750-38 ... PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BUTYRAC 200 BROADLEAF HERBICIDE, 10 ... Albaugh lACCEPTED BUTYRAC® 200 OCT 9 1997 Broadleaf Herbicide Controls BroadleafWeeds in Soybeans, Peanuts, Seedling and Established Alfalfa, S.eedling Birdsfoot Trefoil, Seedling Alsike Clover, Seedling Ladino Clover, and Seedling Red Clover. Butyrac 200 - B and D Chemical Manufacturer: Albaugh, LLC/Agri Star. Label Link: . SDS Link: . Unit: gal
Butyrac 200 - Albaugh herbicide - agrobaseapp.com Butyrac 200 registration_data_unavailable Albaugh - herbicide 42750-38 GENERAL INFORMATION Spray tank reSidues of 2,4-D or MCPA mixed with BUTYRAC 200 Broadleaf Herbicide can cause serious crop or ornamental plant injury. A sprayer previously used to apply these chemicals must be thoroughly cleaned with alkali and water before applying BUTYRAC 200. Butyrac 200 ( 24DB ) on clover - Bowsite.com Read the label for the chemical name of the herbicide in Slay and Pursuit. They are common herbicides that have been packaged to sell to food plotters and are much more expensive per oz. for the same thing you can buy at a AG center much cheaper. At the AG center they are packaged in larger amounts. Common size is a 2 1/2 gal jug. Butyrac 200 Broadleaf Herbicide, Albaugh | Hart AglandAmerica's Ag ... Label & SDS Butyrac 200 Broadleaf Herbicide controls broadleaf weeds in Soybeans, Peanuts, Seedling and Established Alfalfa, and Seedling Birdsfoot Trefoil, Seedling Alsike Clover, Seedling Ladino Clover, Seedling Red Clover and CRP areas. Product variants Butyrac 200 Broadleaf Herbicide, 2.5 Gal. › butyrac-200Butyrac 200 Herbicide (24DB Herbicide) - 1 Gallon Butyrac 200 ... Labels & MSDS Species Controlled Labeled Crops Reviews Butyrac 200 Herbicide (2,4DB Herbicide) 1 Gallon PRODUCT SUGGESTION: We now carry Octivio (same AI as Raptor) in quarts and gallons. Octivio is a grass and broadleaf herbicide with superior broadleaf control and has some residual effect as well.
PDF BUTYRAC BUTYRAC®200 Broadleaf Herbicide Controls Broadleaf Weeds in Soybeans, Peanuts, Seedling and Established Alfalfa, and Seedling Birdsfoot Trefoil Manufactured for: ALBAUGH, INC. 1525 NE 36th Street Ankeny, Iowa 50021 FOR CHEMICAL SPILL, LEAK, FIRE, OR EXPOSURE, CALL CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300 AD111907
Butyrac 200 | 4-(2,4-D) butyric acid - Chemical Warehouse Butyrac 200 provides broadleaf weed control in soybeans and peanuts. As well as providing control in seedling and established alfalfa and seedling birdsfoot trefoil. Butryac has a large range of usage rates. Be sure to check the label to ensure you are applying the correct rate for the specific area of use.
PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com PRODUCT NAME : BUTYRAC 200 CHEMICAL NAME : Dimethylamine Salt of 4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)butyric acid CHEMICAL FAMILY : Phenoxy herbicide PRODUCT CODE : EPA Reg. No. 42750-38 ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. 2 SECTION 5 - FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES
Butyrac 200 - 2.5 Gallons - Buy Online Today! - Elk Mound Seed Kills most broadleaf weeds, see label for specific weeds controlled. BUTYRAC 200 IS NOT SAFE ON CHICORY, RADISHES, SUGAR BEATS OR TURNIPS!! Approximate use rate: 1-2 quarts per acre. Spot spray applications approximately 2.5-3 ounces per gallon of water. See label for specific use rates.
Butyrac 200 Label | NC State Extension Butyrac 200 Label. Article first appeared as North Carolina Peanut Note (PNNC-2013-069) share Share This Article. Updated on Oct 31, 2014. Was the information on this page helpful? Yes check No close. Share this Article. Tweet this Page. Share on Facebook. email Email this ...
Butyrac 200 | Albaugh, LLC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook View the product label for Butyrac 200 from Albaugh, LLC. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook ... Butyrac 200 Albaugh, LLC. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: 46333 Active ingredients 2,4-DB Dimethylamine Salt. Registration EPA: 42750-38. Pests
2,4-DB 200 Herbicide | WinField United - WinField® United Please match the EPA No. to the product label. Provides post-emergent control of challenging broadleaf weeds, brush and woody plants. 2,4-D LV4 Herbicide Controls glyphosate-resistant and other broadleaf weeds in soybeans, strawberries, peanuts and rice without rotational restrictions. Avalanche® Ultra Herbicide articles
PDF Butyrac 200 - Albaugh Global Butyrac®200 is a selective herbicide that can be used to control a variety of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in soybeans, peanuts, seedling and established alfalfa and seedling birdsfoot trefoil. Butyrac®200 can be premixed with other EPA registered herbicides to expand weed control in soybeans, peanuts and alfalfa. Butyrac ®200
PDF Butyrac - Cdms 1525 NE 36th Street Ankeny, Iowa 50021 FOR CHEMICAL SPILL, LEAK, FIRE, OR EXPOSURE, CALL CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300 AD081810A Controls Broadleaf Weeds in Soybeans and Peanuts SPECIMEN LABEL PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS DANGER DANGER. Corrosive. Causes irreversible eye damage. Harmful if swallowed.
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