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38 tourney fungicide label

Nufarm Insider Tourney Fungicide for Turf Diseases Controls a broad spectrum of the toughest diseases, including fairy ring, summer patch, and brown patch Exceptional turf quality Low use rates: less environmental load Control turf diseases with lower use rates Anthracnose Apple scab (ornamentals) Black spot (roses) Brown patch Brown ring (Waitea) patch Dollar spot Fairy ring Gray leaf spot PDF Supplemental Label Tourney Fungicide main label, EPA Reg. No. 59639-144, for complete Directions for Use and all applicable restrictions and precautions. When following the instructions on this supplemental label, the user must have this label and the entire Tourney Fungicide container label in possession at the time of pesticide application.

PDF Tourney Turf Fungicide Label 2020 - 50% Total 100% *5-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-2,2-dimethyl-1- (1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)cyclopentanol Tourney®Fungicide is a water dispersible granule containing 50% active ingredient . EPA Reg . No . 59639-144 EPA Est . 67545-AZ-1 NET WEIGHT 5 POUNDS Tourney® F U NG IC I DE METCONAZOLE GROUP 3 FUNGICIDE 2 FIRST AID If swallowed:

Tourney fungicide label

Tourney fungicide label

Tree Care Product Labels - Wonderland Tree Care + Landscapes product labels. abamectin 0.15 ec label.pdf) abamectin 0.15 ec sds.pdf) acephate 97 up insecticide 2ee - arborvitae leafminer.pdf) acephate 97 up insecticide label.pdf) acephate 97 up insecticide sds.pdf) agri-fos systemic fungicide label.pdf) agri-fos systemic fungicide sds.pdf) aliette wdg brand fungicide label.pdf) aliette wdg brand ... Tourney Fungicide - Plant Products Tourney Fungicide: For control of certain diseases in turfgrass on golf courses and sod farms. Item # Description: Size: Quantity/case: 21204: Tourney Fungicide: 2.27 Kg: 4 : Resource Centre : SDS: Label: Tourney Fungicide Solutions: 2019 Tourney Fall Clean Up Offer: Tourney Affirm Snow Mould Tech Sheet : By viewing this page you agree to the ... PDF Metconazole Draft Label - Nufarm o When handling more than 18.5 kg Tourney Fungicide for groundboom applications OR when handling more than 2.1 kg of Tourney Fungicide for turf gun applications, Wear coveralls over a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, chemical-resistant gloves, shoes and socks during mixing, loading, application, clean-up and repair.

Tourney fungicide label. PDF Tourney - Do My Own TourneyFungicide is formulated as 50% water dispers- ible granular (WDG). The active ingredient in Tourney Fungicide is metconazole, a broad spectrum triazole fungicide that works by inhibiting demethylation and other processes in sterol biosynthesis. TourneyFun- gicide is systemic and is quickly absorbed into plant tissue. Tourney Fungicide - Crop protection label data | Agworld DBX View the product label for Tourney Fungicide from Valent U.S.A. LLC Professional Products. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook. ... This Label Database does not replace the official manufacture issued label. Users of this database must read and follow the actual product label ... Astun - OHP, Inc. | Partners with Solutions Astun Ornamental Fungicide provides preventative, and early curative activity on botrytis diseases of plants grown in commercial greenhouses and nurseries. Astun is most effective when used as a protectant fungicide and applied before the disease damages the crop. As a stand-alone SDHI (MOA Group 7) fungicide, it offers growers flexibility in ... PDF Safety Data Sheet - Amazon Web Services TourneyÒ Fungicide 1. IDENTIFICATION: CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY PRODUCT NAME: TourneyÒ Fungicide EPA REGISTRATION NUMBER:59639-144 VC NUMBER(S): 1585 ... Label elements EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Precautionary Statements - Prevention Read product label prior to using this product. For specific handling instruction refer to Section 7, Handling and

Tourney Fungicide - Sunspot Supply Tourney Fungicide is formulated as 50% water dispersible granular (WDG). The active ingredient is Metconazole, a broad spectrum triazole fungicide that works by inhibiting demethylation and other processes in sterol biosynthesis. It is systemic and is quickly absorbed in to plant tissue. Tourney Turf Fungicide - 5 Lbs. - Seed Ranch Tourney Fungicide is formulated as 50% water dispersible granular. The active ingredient is metconazole, a broad spectrum triazole fungicide that works by inhibiting demethylation and other processes in sterol biosynthesis. ... Product Label. Related Items: Subtilex NG Fungicide - 6 X 2 Oz. Stellar Fungicide - 104 Ounces RootShield Granules ... Supplemental Label - SiteOne Tourney Fungicide main label, EPA Reg. No. 59639-144, for complete Directions for Use and all applicable restrictions and precautions. When following the instructions on this supplemental label, the user must have this label and the entire Tourney Fungicide container label in possession at the time of pesticide application. Read the PDF Tourney® Fungicide - O.J. Compagnie o When handling more than 18.5 kg Tourney Fungicide for groundboom applications OR when handling more than 2.1 kg of Tourney Fungicide for turf gun applications, Wear coveralls over a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, chemical-resistant gloves, shoes and socks during mixing, loading, application, clean-up and repair.

Where to buy Tourney Fungicide Metconazole - 5 Lb - Pestrong Label/SDS Reviews (1) Tourney Fungicide Metconazole - 5 Lb is formulated as 50% water dispersible granular (WDG) that is systemic and is quickly absorbed into plant tissue as preventive and curative properties. Tourney Fungicide is a broad spectrum triazole fungicide that works by inhibiting demethylation and other processes in sterol biosynthesis. Tourney Fungicide - Intermountain Turf Nothing takes out tough diseases in turf like Tourney Fungicide. Superintendents and LCOs can handle the toughest diseases throughout season with Tourney in the tank. As one of the most active fungicides on the market, it's the go-to solution for effective control of a broad spectrum of tough diseases, including anthracnose, brown patch, summer patch, take-all patch, fairy ring, dollar spot ... Tourney - Washington State University NAME:Tourney FungicidePRODUCT SIZE:5 Pounds KIND:Booklet LabelLABEL SIZE:5 .5"(w) x 6 .5"(h) - book closed SPEC:Total 6 .25 x 6 .5 11"(w) x 6 .5"(h) - book open 6 .25"(w) x 6 .5"(h) - base .5 5.5 Front 59639-144_Tourney Fungicide_20181015_55_59639_.pdf 2 3 FIRST AID If swallowed: Tourney Fungicide 5 lb. - Product Info & Label | SiteOne As one of the most active fungicides on the market, it's the go-to solution for effective control of a broad spectrum of tough diseases, including anthracnose, brown patch, summer patch, take-all patch, fairy ring, dollar spot, necrotic ring spot, gray leaf spot, snow mold and other patch diseases.

Tourney - Advanced Turf Solutions View Label View SDS Tourney® fungicide delivers a new generation of broad-spectrum disease control for exceptional turf quality while reducing the overall environmental load. The active ingredient, metconazole, is one of the most active and has the lowest use rate, compared to other demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicides.

Tourney Fungicide Label: Tourney Fungicide Solutions: 2019 Tourney Fall Clean Up Offer: Tourney Affirm Snow Mould Tech Sheet ... Description: Size: Quantity/case: 21204: Tourney Fungicide: 2.27 Kg: 4: Corporate Information. Company Information; News; Forms / Letter of Assurance; Video Gallery; Contact Information; CAN-EN; CAN-FR; USA; Client Login; Client Login ...

Nufarm - Tourney Fungicide - 5 LB BTL | Reinders Product Label Download SDS For effective control of a broad spectrum of tough diseases, including anthracnose, brown patch, summer patch, take-all patch, fairy ring, dollar spot, necrotic ring spot, gray leaf spot, snow mold and other patch diseases. Tourney Fungicide is formulated as 50% water dispersible granular (WDG).

Home - Label Database - CDMS Tourney® Fungicide. Valent U.S.A. LLC Professional Products METCONAZOLE 59639-144. State Availability Yes No Not Specified This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state ... Labels / SDS Specimen Label, Form 1661-D 12/11/19 Supplemental ...

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